Friday, 1 February 2008


It is time to celebrate the first stirrings of spring from the depths of winter!


when the first buds can be seen appearing on trees, when the days are quite visibly longer than they were around Yule, and when there are the first days of semi-bearable temperatures.

The word Imbolc literally means "In Milk." This is because it is the time when the cows and goats generally begin lactating in Western Europe.
The festival is sacred to the Goddess Brigid (pronounced "Breed, " often spelled "Brid"-the Celtic triple Goddess of Inspiration, Healing, poetry and smithcraft.

This is a time of new beginnings and growth. At this time, think of your goals and dreams for this year that you will plant.

As the days begin to get longer, it is tradition for every candle or lamp in the house to be lit for a little while welcoming the return of the Sun.

Esotrically it is the willing sacrifice of the outer self for the inner self.

The period between Imbolc and the Spring Equinox is when self-discipline is practiced.

"I hereby do create sacred space,

In time that is not time; a place not a place,

Today is a day that is not a day,

All malice and worry, now away,

So all within here is right and just,

This is a place of magic, love and trust."
One of the things I find tangeable in the celebration of Imbolc is purification itself.

The concept of Spring Cleaning came from this Sabbat.

Traditionally the greens of Yule that are left in place for our protection during the deepest Winter months are now removed and burned in a sacred fire.

The home is physically cleaned from top to bottom.

I use this period between Yule and Imbolc to do the Soul searching and meditation called for in this season during The Winter Rites held on Yule.

Its a time put my financial life in order, my physical home in order and my relationships in order.

Free now of these burdens, we gather in our homes with brooms in hand and begin to turn whiddershins from room to room carrying with us incense, fire, water & salt, purifying each room of all negative energy. Chanting:

Thus we banish Winter... Thus we welcome Spring!

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